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之前的工作, 我必需要幫老師寫英文paper 幫學弟改英文paper





但是在兩份工作的累積的讀書量也不算少了!一天念上20篇以上相關領域的文章和快速查閱資料這兩方面, 我也不是做不到



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Dear diary,


Before I forget this story, I need to wirte it down.


After tutoring the twins, as usually I biked home from thier house, which is about 5 min biking, and I met a company tonight. It is  rare to chat with people randomly on the street, and even more impossible to talk to a stranger who is bilking too. I did both tonight. The guy was biking a "interesting" bike, two baskets with full of things and lots of pasters on. He suddently said "you good!" to me, and I replied "thank you very much." (Whole the conversation is English. )

The guy: How long have u had this bike?

Estella: Ummm~about six months.

The guy: It is a really good bike.

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background pics 

Estella 第一次在此發文章!

希望能順利在此長駐, 更希望不要偷懶把生活點滴記錄下來!


照片為2007.6.30時, 與Madison的好友們聚餐後,到附近的公園閑晃看到的playland!

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